We deliver all over Metro Manila and nearby provinces

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If you change your mind:
You can cancel your order and get a refund if you get in touch before it is shipped. If your items have already shipped we are happy to refund the cost of unwanted products. Please contact us by email at hello@bundleofjoy.com.ph to advise that you wish to return your order within 14 working days from the date you received the goods. You will then have 14 working days from this date to return the goods back to the Bundle of Joy team (at your own expense). A refund can only be given against full cases of product which are returned to us in their original, unopened condition. Once received your order will be refunded within 28 days.
We do advise that you send your order via a tracked service as we will not be held responsible for any lost items in transit.
If something isn’t right:
If what we’ve sent you is wrong, we will refund the cost of the product and delivery. Please contact hello@bundleofjoy.com.ph to let them know and arrange your cancellation or return.